37: Nanny & Poppy


Daniel's maternal grandparents, Nanny and Poppy, are this week's guests. They share stories from their decades of pastoring in Spirit Filled churches. 

They share how they first received baptism in the Holy Spirit, how the Lord began leading them and talking to them through the inward witness - the voice of God speaking in our spirit.

Nanny and Poppy share stories of miracles, healings, believing God for money and Him providing, and even the story of Poppy's father nearly dying and having out-of-body experiences. Poppy is a teacher at heart, and as he speaks you can hear the decades he spent in a pulpit. He breaks down aspects of the Gifts of the Spirit, the difference between someone who prophecies and a prophet, as well as the benefits of speaking in tongues.

This episode will bless you. Don't delay - just press play!


Listen to full episode :


Off Topic 21: Hearing the Voice of God pt. 2


Off Topic 20: Recharging Spiritually