46: Meet Me At The Oak Grove


The boys are joined by their friend, Mark Yow. Mark grew up in a wealthy family and lived in luxury until the 2008 economic crash. Faced with losing everything, Mark found himself spiraling out of control. After multiple terrifying cardiac episodes induced by narcotic use, Mark's sister was diagnosed with cancer. She invited him to attend a healing conference with her in Florida, and this is where Mark met Jesus.

Mark had a radical deliverance experience where it was revealed that his grandfather had dedicated him to an occult organization. After receiving freedom from the Masonic spirit, Mark began discovering a prophetic gifting on his life when he began receiving words of knowledge about the people he met.

Soon, Mark began operating in deliverance ministry and saw many people receive freedom through the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.

This was only the beginning for Mark, and his journey with the Lord has been a challenging but rewarding one. We believe his story will inspire you, so don't delay - just press play!

Check out Jeremy's blog at rethinktheology.com


Listen to full episode :


Off Topic 29: The Practice of the Presence of God - part 3


Off Topic 28: The Practice of the Presence of God - part 2