47: Do It For Me


Cory and Daniel are joined by the host of Truth and Shadow Podcast, BT! BT shares his testimony finding himself in bondage to an entity that coerced him into performing self harm.

When he was a teenager, his grandparents divorced and BT lost the only male authority influence in his life. Shortly after this, he began developing friendships with occult practitioners, and eventually began practicing various forms of pagan worship. Through these practices, he began developing a relationship with a spiritual entity. Not so coincidentally, it was also in this season of his life that he began cutting.

At the age of 25, BT began to realize that the entity he had spent years interacting with was actually malevolent. It began pressuring him to not only cut himself, but to do it as an act of worship, and to ultimately inflict even greater harm to himself.

At the age of 29, BT began praying that Jesus would intervene and send someone to invite him to church, and Jesus obliged. A man encountered BT at work and invited him to church… three times!

BT became a regular church goer, eventually committing his life to Jesus and receiving water baptism. After that baptism, BT has never encountered that malevolent entity again.

To hear BT’s podcast, Truth and Shadow, click here:

Official Website

Apple Podcasts




Listen to full episode :


48: Go Back To Hell From Whence You Came (Preview)


Off Topic 29: The Practice of the Presence of God - part 3