50: JesusSaved Me, But Religion Nearly Killed Me


Our guest today, Malcolm Burton, grew up steeped in old time Pentecost in the East Texas oil fields. It was evident that Malc’s life was marked with calling and purpose when he was a young boy, and he grew up expecting the supernatural. 

Malc is a natural story teller, and from the beginning to the end of this interview, he shares tale after tale. We hear about an angelic encounter he had when he was just a boy, about miracles and healings he has witnessed, and about a bottle of anointing oil that supernaturally disappeared after it was poured over his head.

This episode will leave you screaming for more, and we plan to get Malc back on the microphone in the future!


Listen to full episode :


Off Topic 32: The Practice of the Presence of God - part 6


Off Topic 31: The Practice of the Presence of God - part 5