53: The Presence of the Enemy Came In


The boys sit down with an old friend of Daniel's named Drai.

Drai shares about growing up in a family without spiritual foundation, where substance abuse and fighting were daily occurrences. Despite not having been introduced to Jesus, Drai was always drawn to pray. When he feared for his mother's safety, and later when he was a victim to sleep paralysis, he would instinctively come to the Lord in prayer.

"God always showed up."

When Drai had traumatic visions after getting high, when he experienced an exercise ball move on its own and start spinning in the floor in front of him, when he had a stranger walk in off the street and point a .357 at his head, God always showed up.

This episode points to the power of prayer, and the power of the One we pray to!


Listen to full episode :


54: Jesus Takes You Just As You Are


Off Topic 33: The Practice of the Presence of God - part 7